Snow melts?

Well, we had a very cold winter here in Utah filled with two straight months of snow. In those two months we never really had a "warm" day so when we hit 50 degrees no one was ready for what happened. The snow all started melting and there was so much of it everywhere that it just kept coming across the road and the fields and several houses next to us got flooded. We would've been next if the fire department and all the neighborhood hadn't been out here to help. It was so funny to see Redden go running downstairs to save the gameboy and the xbox just in case the water made it to us. We had more sandbags in this neighborhood then my parents have dogs! LOL. The mayor and the news channels were out here and my cute hubby even made it on T.V. showing of his skills of unloading sandbags from his truck! What a stud! We also saw Jason Judy in the background trip on a hose and almost fall on his face. We all got a good laugh and loved to tease him about it. They finally got enough hoses pumping the water out to the drains that we were out of danger. They also dug a trench out in the cornfield to direct the water towards the lake. Ryder was excited to get to be up close to a fire truck so he thought the whole thing was great. Hopefully they put something permanent there so we won't get to do this next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's crazy! I guess if you get enough snow and it all tries to melt at once it would cause floods! Our winter's been pretty mild here I guess, although it's a lot for me being that it's my first one away from Mesa!