Our Spring Break

I don't know why it takes me so long to get back on track after a vacation but it does. I am finally posting some pictures of our Spring Break in AZ. We were so happy to leave when we woke up Friday morning to a new blanket of snow. As pretty as it is, it is April and I am so done with the snow. I say that as it snowing today on May 1st! We left the freezing snow and arrived to a wonderful 95 degrees. It was hot all week but I couldn't complain about anything except for how white all of our legs were when we finally got to put on a pair of shorts! Very sad. We went swimming at my newleywed sister, Natalie's, apartment and the boys loved being able to swim and not be freezing when you get out. Our neighborhood has a wonderful heated year round pool but getting out is torture! More pictures of our trip coming soon. I decided to go ahead and post these before I started getting called a slacker again!

What we woke up to.............

What we arrived to..............


Ron and Paula said...

Alright a new post! With a picture of me even. What a babe!

Holly H. said...

Ahhhh, how nice. Looks like you had a great time!

Holly H. said...

Cute new blog layout BTW :)

Anonymous said...

What fun pics! We loved AZs weather too over spring break, but yeah, why the heck is it still snowing on May 1st? We got some too. Can they just not let go of winter?

Holly H. said...

Hi Melanie, I just noticed your comment on my "hunt" post. I was so surprised how much I enjoyed it! It's not like hunting in Utah. You see animals about every 5 minutes. So amazing! I would highly recommend it! Glad your husband enjoyed the pics. Mike actually shot 5 animals. I'll try to post more pictures soon! :)