Gabe's Wild Boar Hunt

The day after I got home from Georgia, Gabe left to go on a wild boar hunt in Idaho. I know this isn't the cutest thing to post about but Gabe was quite proud of his boar that he shot so I had to include these wonderful pictures. He went with a group of guys from work and each one of them were successful. Gabe shot his with his bow and then chased it for 20 minutes before they could finish him off with a gun. Lovely, I know. The best part was getting to see the skull boiling in a pot on my back patio while my dogs are going crazy trying to get to the yummy remnants Gabe pulled out of the skull. You are all hungry right now huh! The funny thing to watch was how different my two older boys are. Gabe was out in the garage skinning the rest of the skull trying teach the boys what men do. Hee Hee. Redden came in the house with his face looking pale holding his stomach telling me I shouldn't go out there. He could hardly swallow he was so grossed out! Ryder, on the other hand, was out there asking a million questions and wanting to help. He was poking the eyeballs and looking at the brains and seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I guess Redden takes after me and Ryder takes after Gabe. It'll be interesting to see how Ranger turns out!


Kimberly said...


Olayan/DeGrey said...

For sure that sounds delightful. I feel your pain, just a different animal! and congrats Gabe sounds exciting, Ian is jealous!